Here For You In Your Healing Era
Feel Good Mama is a boutique & blog offering unique products and simple tips to help support you on your health and healing journey.
Let's Heal Together
My name is Shannon, and I'm on a healing journey since suffering from mystery symptoms that I later learned was from a Chronic Illness. I share my story on social media to help others who may be going through something similar. My shop and blog are part of the Feel Good Mama movement. We all have our personal struggles, but we can still help eachother find ways to feel good and thrive.

Feel Good Mama Lifestyle Blog

Are you OK? Mental Health Check →
So what is OK? By definition, it means we are satisfactory. Let’s break that down. Satisfactory means you are fulfilling your expectations or needs. How are you doing with that?...

New Year Goals: Promise Not to Quit for 365 Days →
You've decided on your New Year goals, but are you ready to see them through? I share my story of how I gave my dreams 365 days to flourish, despite...

6 Tips for Managing Stress →
Stress is unfortunately a part of life, so it’s up to us to manage it, and not get all consumed by it. Here are some great tips to help you get...

How to Deal When You Are An Overwhelmed Mama →
I started to feel like I had: --No Time --No Energy --No Control. And it didn't feel good. Then what starts to happen is this "story" goes on repeat in...